Anyway, the seminar was a whole day event...from 9 am to 5 pm, thus Ridhwan is stuck with his dad...hahaa....good practice for my husband anyway...but of course, his ever loving grandmother is just a room away...hehee...throughout the seminar I did miss him a lot and wondering how he was doing at home but most of all, trying to see if this Neurosuit is suitable for Ridhwan or not...
I'm sure all of you are asking, what in the world is this Neurosuit thingy all about? Taken from the NeuroSuit website, its definition is as below:
The NeuroSuit™ creates a breathable, soft dynamic orthotic. It improves and changes proprioception (pressure from the joints, ligaments, muscles), reduces a patient’s pathological reflexes, restores physiological muscles synergies (proper patterns of movement), and loads the entire body (anti-musculature) with weight (a process similar to the reaction of our muscles to gravitational forces constantly acting up on us ).
All of the above normalizes afferent vestibule-proprioceptive input (information arrives to vestibular system). The vestibular system is a tremendously important center. It processes, integrates and sends back all the information that arrives from muscles, joints, tendons, etc. It influences muscle tone, balance and position of the body in space.
The more correct proprioception from the joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons, the more correct the alignment. The NeuroSuit is a tool that allows the body to be correctly aligned with compression to the joints increasing proprioception dramatically!
Ridhwan with NeuroSuit founder, Patricica Gonzalez Jia Kenn's mother is contemplating too right now, the one hour session we had with Tricia(NeuroSuit's founder) somehow has not given us 100% confidence that this suit will work...but of course, when I remember what Tricia said to us, it takes time, just that its faster than the normal therapis we are doing....maybe its true ya?...wallahualam...
Well, the try out that Sunday was good...though I still feel an hour of testing wasn't enough to test the suit's capabilities....but one thing my husband was amazed was the fact Ridhwan could walk quite well without an AFO, which is a real plus point and he stood one time very straight and upright...something which he doesn't really want to do everytime we do it on him at home or even during physiotherapy...and the fact that he didn't resist and scream away when we wore him the suit..that's an even plus sign, which means that he must be feeling all the sensation given to him at one time from the I could see he was very quiet and thinking...must be thinking, apa benda ni! wow..what are these feelings....
Soooo..ntahlah, ikut harga, darn expensive...but, for Ridhwan I am willing to find or borrow it for him...but it really worth it to spend that much...and will it really work? ....but then again, everything about a brain injured child needs repetition right....but if the repitition can be done with a tool that shortens the period to reach the milestones...that's even better right? ...truthfully...if i had that much of money in my bank..I'd go for it...what do have i to loose...okay, so my money..but there were examples that I saw on last saturday and it amazed maybe different child will take different time...but if it helps somehow...why not right? ....I think I need to solat istikharah for this one....also wait for the feedback from our rehab dr. also, she looked pretty excited with this far our therapist likes the suit...but wether it would be useful for Ridhwan is still debatable as Ridhwan has progressed so well now...but then its that word,, i want him to walk fast if I can kan!...sabar Reenaz...sabar...
Anyway...may Allah give me wisdom to decide this NeuroSuit thingy....and if ada rezeki to buy this..ada lah Insya-Allah....but for now, thanks Pui Yen for calling me about this suit...thanks Fezia for setting up the time to try out the suit ...and thank you Tricia for designing a wonderful contraption/tool that is helping so many special needs children out there!!