Thursday, March 18, 2010

Emotional downhill....

Past few weeks have been very emotional...the once calm and most of the time compose me is now gone god knows where and doesn't seem to want to come back...sigh....partly, I know why I can't control these emotions because it is when I am in that condition...and for that, external factors which is directly and indirectly affecting my emotions is not helping me at all right now...its is just making these unstable emotions bursting out like lavas coming out from a volcano erupting with smokes and all.....sigh...

All I can do now is pray..and pray..and pray to Allah to please give me strength at times like this...please let me have some composure to deal with whatever I am dealing right now and in the future later cause truthfully...I really am feeling weak and helpless right now....I hate being like this!!! ....and darn it I am so craving for fettucinni carbornara right now!!! Hahahaa...okay, that's it this weekend I'm going to find one and eat it to my heart desires!! Muahahhahahaaaa......sigh...ya Allah, berilah kesabaran dan ketabahan yang tinggi kepadaku untuk mengharungi segalanya.....amin...


Yasmin Nabilah.. said...

Kak..ina ingatkan ina je emo tak tentu pasal....rupanya kak pun sama..huhu..nasib..nasib..

Mamapinkie said...

hehee..tu lah akak baca blog ina, tengok2x eh kita tengah sama emo yea..hehee...takpalah, kita dua2x banyak sabar yea Ina, mesti ada ups and downs in our life kan ;) Insya-Allah tomorrow will be a brigther day for both of us and our children ..take care dear!

Lightnur said...


Amin to your dua. Insha Allah after a storm comes calm. Thinking of you, love lightnur