Friday, August 01, 2008


Ever since I've finished my masters and have more time to myself, and of course Ridhwan, I've been slowly going back to what I love most...arts and crafts....yup, this once computer engineer is boldly going to another area of interest that has been put aside for quite some time now..

Actually, the passion and interest of arts and crafts was started way back in school days...yup, way back in primary! Most of the crafts I did was for self use, boxes to put things, pencil cases and so was just one of the things that I really enjoyed so-called creative side...but as the years past by..and especially since I was in the science stream the time was not really spend on it...and also probably was more worried about SPM! But, the passion never died..still bought arts and crafts books and took the time to try some projects for friends such as cards...even went to art shop at Central market KL..wonder if it still exist..maybe...but once just stopped there....

When I was in Uni, the time for crafts was even scarce undergraduate time as they say is the hardest and most challenging time for a student..and of course it was the time to just hang out with good friends after classes and well just enjoying your uni life while you can!!..sheesh, one wonders when do i study then ya? hahahaa....then, the working phase came in...even no time at all to do any crafts projects!!..and I was itching and missing it badly but still my weekends was spend more with my parents and also recuperating after a tiresome and sometimes stressful work week.... After that, came the marriage phase! Crafts time? Oh no, hubby time! Heeheee...yup, even no time at all for such hobbies as it was the time that I really went out a lot as newlyweds and enjoying time with each other after a long week at work, miss those movie dates!....then, of course Ridhwan came along..that was the time where hobbies was a word that has never before been heard!! Also I was busy with my masters which didn't give me a chance to do anything creativity at that time was more on paper works and programmings....not much art creativity there pun! Hahhaa...

So now...when time is more or less quite stable..not to say I have more time to myself ...but there are 'some' time to squeeze..I am slowly picking up the hobbies that I used to like and slowly wanting to venture into such as the 'into' sewing thing....scrapbooking, going cracy buying my stocks online!!...and the latest craze....for me that is.....beading! So, you'll be seeing me posting some of my hobbies much of a pro yet, still an amateur but with passion!...and of course Ridhwan's progress....these are some of the latest things this mama of a very special boy spends her time, mostly at night... in addition to provide the best for his son, which is still her very first priority always....