Sunday, September 16, 2007

Kembali ke rahmatullah...arwah datuk...

Tan Sri Hj. Daiman Bin Jamuluddin telah kembali ke rahmatullah pagi ini lebih kurang antara pukul 9.40 ke 9.50

The only grandfather I had... since my paternal grandfather died even before my mom got I only knew my mom's dad as my only grandfather... he was a great man...was a man who loved his wife very much and loved to tease her...a man who was always very concern of his guest...who loved his children equally...who loved his grandchildren very much...was a man who touched many hearts ...the brother, the uncle, the family turn to and went to in time of needs...was a man very well respected and looked up to...that was my dear grandfather....

Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas arwah will be missed very much...


Abah said...

Al -Fatihah..
Semoga terus tabah & cekal