Hello people! I can't believe that I haven't been blogging such a loooong time...time sure flies and god, time really flies too fast these days..I've started my masters again..in my 2nd semester! yahhooo! ya rite, i'm actually struggling here with time management but I'm holding on and my hubby and parents are helping me out a lot..but it sure is different when i was doinf my masters when i was pregnant...yelah, masa tu takda baby nak jaga kan....anyway, its not just my classes that I'm juggling but also ridhwan's classes....which I'll have a nice long blog to tell....anyway, welcome year 2006! and especially welcome awal muharram! May Allah give me strength to have a good year this year, Insya-Allah...Happy New Year everyone!!
Happy birthday, dear me!
4 years ago